Parent Consultation

“If only children came with a handbook...”

Under the best of circumstances, raising teenagers is very challenging work. I consult with parents on a wide range of topics to help them develop ways of staying connected with their adolescent children while maintaining boundaries and expectations – in ways that are congruent with the parents’ values and resources. 

The kinds of issues parents bring to me include sexuality, sexual orientation, establishing expectations and setting limits, difficulties in school, problems related to parent-child fit, blended family challenges, joint custody challenges, conflicts between parents regarding children, and loss and other major transitions. 

One of the most common questions parents have is, “Is this normal?” Parents often need guidance distinguishing normal development from behaviors that indicate that their child is struggling and needs more help, either from the parents or from a professional. I work with parents to find ways of meeting their children’s needs when it is appropriate for them to do so, and consult regarding referrals for professional help (for example, therapists, learning specialists, and occupational therapists) for their child when that is appropriate.