Please Note: I am unable to accept any new clients at this time, and I do not maintain a waiting list.


There is a natural flow in our minds and bodies, in our work, and in our relationships. That flow emerges from our innate capacity for self-healing, creativity, love, and productivity. In the state of flow, we experience ourselves as connected, integrated, and whole.

There are many experiences that can disrupt our natural flow and change the course of our lives: losses and separations, violence, illnesses and medical crises, betrayals, disasters, accidents, and major changes and transitions. When these difficulties are not overwhelming, and when we have enough support, our relationships and innate healing processes help us to recover. We adapt and become smarter, stronger, and more resilient as we find our way. 

But some experiences are too hard to overcome on our own. Our natural coping and healing processes are overwhelmed, and we need help. Sometimes, we don’t even know how we got to where we are — we just know we are stuck in symptoms and patterns we can’t figure out how to change. 

My work is to help you get unstuck. Together we will facilitate the natural process of recovery and healing, and help you establish or reestablish the flow of a connected, integrated life.


Addressing the whole mind-body-relationship and facilitating your innate capacity for healing


On-going professional growth: for ourselves and our clients


Workshops in trauma, EMDR, secondary traumatization, and dance & movement therapy